Ketch-All Mouse Trap Clear Lid Repeating Trap 6 Traps 6280456
You looking to find the "Ketch-All Mouse Trap Clear Lid Repeating Trap 6 Traps 6280456" Good news! You can purchase Ketch-All Mouse Trap Clear Lid Repeating Trap 6 Traps 6280456 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- 6 Traps
- Ketchall is the Worlds Best Mouse Trap
- Most effective live trap
- Reliable, and dependable
- No resetting trap after it captures a mouse
Product Description
# Ketchall is the Worlds Best Mouse Trap # Most effective live trap # Safe to use around children and pets # Efficient, often capturing several mice in one setting! # Reliable, and dependable # No resetting trap after it captures a mouse # Great in warehouses, barns, apartment complexes, around homes, etc. The design and performance of the KETCH-ALL has earned it the title of "The World's Best Mousetrap." The KETCH-ALL operates without the use of harmful chemicals, making it safe to use around children and pets. It is efficient, often capturing several mice in one setting! The KETCH-ALL has been winning the war against rodents since 1924. It works 24 hours a day, every day of the year. By following simple operating procedures, your KETCH-ALL will provide years of proven, practical performance.Ketch-All Mouse Trap Clear Lid Repeating Trap 6 Traps 6280456 Review
I've used standard snap mouse traps for years and have never felt good about it. After all I'm not one to take a life even a mouse I still feel badly.So in the first week of use I was able to save 5 mouse's lives and the extra price of the traps was redeemed just in knowing that I did my best in sparing a life..
The first week of use I caught 1 mouse in one area, but then a couple of days later I caught what must have been a whole family in one spot.. On the gruesome side of things one of the mice caught did die as the trap revolved he or she ended up being trapped by the spinning arms inside. Of course I felt very badly, but had it not been for the effectiveness of the trap all 5 mice would have gone since I would have used snap traps..
I feel better about using these traps since they are effective and save lives and that to me is important..
I would highly recommend these traps and only gave it 4 stars because of one mouse getting killed..
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Ketch-All Mouse Trap Clear Lid Repeating Trap 6 Traps 6280456" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Ketch-All Mouse Trap Clear Lid Repeating Trap 6 Traps 6280456 ...
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